We don´t like fakes. So repliqMe was made.
To make it short: With our app you can take pictures and share them.
We verify your image and tell the world it is real.
That´s it. repliqMe is a plattform where people show their real life.
The idea of repliqMe is to let you create and share a replica of your reality - simply with your smartphone and without any editing.
There are countless images on the internet... And probably more are fake. The majority of us won´t even notice how many out there are photoshoped.
» Over 60% are editing images once they don´t like anything about it - for private usage.
» More than half of women admit to editing their social media images.
» And less than 9% of advertisement/magazine covers are NOT photoshoped.
Fake images can have detrimental effects on young people - can change political attitude of people - are too common on social media.
We want to change that.